Photography- Cityscapes

Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO: 400
Av: f/16
Tv: 1/250
Flash: No
It was a cloudy day so I decided that a higher ISO was needed to capture the light rays. I also used an f-stop that is high to capture the landscape. I edited this picture in lightroom. I added a gradient filter to the sky so that the cloud and light rays would stand out more. I adjusted the exposure and contrast to make things standout more.

Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO: 1600
Av: f/5.0
Tv: 1/20
Flash: No 
This picture was taken under low lighting conditions so the ISO is higher. The settings allow for more light to be in the picture so the city below glows. While editing I cropped so that the tower was the focal point. I spot removed the pole at the top of the tower and I also adjusted the colors so the reds, yellows, and blues stood out more.
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO: 200
Av: f/11
Tv: 6.0 sec
Flash: No  
For this photo I shot in Tv mode so that the shutter was open for a long time allowing the light to blur over the water. Also, the Iso is so low because the shutter was open for long. Aperture value was at 11 so that I could get the detail in the bridge. While editing this picture i cropped in closer to the bridge and converted it to black and white. 

 Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO: 400
Av: f/6.3
Tv: 1/200
Flash: No
It was a very cloudy rainy day in Venice so I set my ISO 400 to let in a little more light. The Av and Tv are set so I can capture everything in the picture without having any blur. While editing in lightroom I used my custom preset cropped. The I continued editing by changing the blacks, whites, highlights, and shadows so that the black and white was a little more drastic.  
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO: 100
Av: f/5.6
Tv: 8.0 sec
Flash: No   
I chose a low ISO and a pretty slow shutter speed so I could get the light of the boats on the cannel blurring. I set my camera on a timer so I could set it on the ledge and not touch it while I took the photo. 
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 29 mm
ISO: 100
Av: f/11
Tv: 30.0 sec
Flash: No 
This photo was taken using a tripod. The shutter speed is very long allowing phone painting to occur. We could spell things out with our phones while each line of light is captured because the shutter speed is so long. The ISO is low because the shutter is open for so long it captures a lot of light.
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 55 mm
ISO: 100
Av: f/5.6
Tv: 30.0 sec
Flash: No  
Again the shutter speed allows for the shutter to be open for a long time allowing the boat going across the picture to blur leaving the light trail. The ISO is low because the shutter is open for a long time and you don't need a lot of light coming in. The camera was set on a ledge so it would be still while the photo was being made.
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 33 mm
ISO: 200
Av: f/5.6
Tv: 10.0 sec
Flash: No  
I sat the camera on a ledge so it could be still for the shot. The shutter was open for ten seconds allowing the boats at the bottom to blur and for the lights to have burst. Having a low ISO and an f-stop of 5.6 allowed for the lights to burst.
Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 18 mm
ISO: 400
Av: f/8
Tv: 1/800 sec
Flash: No  
We sat here for a long time waiting for there to be no one in the shot. It was a cloudy day so the ISO is a little higher allowing more light into the picture. The Av and Tv allow for the arch to be in focused and sharp.

Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3
Lens: Canon EF-S18-55mm F/3.5-5.6 IS II
Focal length: 37 mm
ISO: 400
Av: f/11
Tv: 1/400 sec
Flash: No  
This ISO is at 400 allowing more light to be in the picture because it was a cloudy dim day. The Av and Tv settings allow for the leafs in fort to be blurring and the city in the background to be in focus. 

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